Top 10 Traditional Games of West Bengal

Bengal, the bustling heart of India, offers a diversity of traditional games that are sure to impress even more than the famous ‘Roshogolla/Rasagola’. These games form the backbone of any state or culture, carrying the deep-rooted traditions and values of a place. To connect with one’s roots, these games can be incredibly useful. What was once played throughout Bengal is now primarily limited to the rural areas of West Bengal, having been replaced by the latest video games and fancy gadgets.

From the heart-pounding thrill of Kabaddi to the strategic finesse of Kit-Kit, these games aren’t just a source of entertainment; they’re a window into the soul of Bengal. Join me on a journey to discover the traditional games of West Bengal.”

Best Traditional Games of West Bengal

West Bengal Traditional games are mixed with long-held traditions Among the grand temples and peaceful scenery are exciting games that have been played for ages, waiting to be discovered.

1.  Ha-Du-Du(Kabaddi)


Ha-Du-Du is a popular and ancient game in India, known regionally as another form of the famous Kabaddi game, but with a fun twist. In this game, two teams of seven players each face off against one another. One player, the ‘raider,’ from one team enters the opposing territory and attempts to tag as many players as possible within a fixed time limit of 30 seconds.

How to play and rules of the Ha-Du-Du Game:

  • Each team gets a 30-second chance to venture into the opponent’s territory and tag as many players before they move out of the opponent’s territory, and the player who does this is referred to as a “Raider”.
  • Raider needs to chant the kabaddi word for the whole 30 seconds without stopping in between.
  • The defender tries to tackle the raider and stop them from getting back to their side. 
  • Raider gets a point if he/she successfully enters their team arena by tagging someone along.
  • If the defenders stop the raider, their team scores instead.

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2. Danguli(Gulli Danda/ Danguli Khela)


This game is very popular in the rural areas of West Bengal among school boys and is also known by the name Danguli Khela. Danguli derived its name from the “Ghaṭikā” which is still popular in the Indian subcontinent. This game was started as a mode of recreation and holds cultural significance as it has been played for centuries.

How to play and rules of the Danguli(Gulli Danda/ Danguli Khela)

  • The game involves two or more players.
  • Players use a small cylindrical object called a “Gulli,” about one inch in diameter, and a wooden stick called a “danda,” approximately twenty-four inches long.
  • They dig a pit and put the gulli over it when a player comes and hits this Gulli with the help of long Danda.
  • The other players try to catch this Gulli and are successful the the throwing player is out.
  • If he/she fails then the player gets another chance to hit the Gulli once again.
  • Points are scored based on the distance between the pit and where the gulli falls.

3. Goli(Marbles)

Goli Marbles

Very well-known and popular West Bengal traditional game among the common household of Bengal. Here every house has a goli(marbles) stored at their homes and they do not miss any chance to play it whenever they seek recreation. This game is played with glass balls or marbles. One can buy beautiful colored marbles from shops. Goli is so a hooking and interesting game that sometimes children are scolded form their parents for playing too long.

How to play and rules of the Goli:

  • Players would need Golis (Marbles) to begin with.
  • They dig a small hole in the ground and stand approximately two yards away from the hole
  • They kneel and try to shoot their marble into the hole.
  • Hold the marble tightly with the left hand’s forefinger.
  • Stretch the forefinger back like a bowstring using the right hand’s thumb and forefinger.
  • Release the finger to shoot the marble, often overshooting the hole.
  • The goal should be to try to knock as many marbles of opponents in that hole.
  • The first player to get all their marbles in that small hole wins the game.

4. Kit Kit(Ekka Dukka)

Kit Kit(Ekka Dukka)
Kit Kit(Ekka Dukka)

A very popular game among the girls and is played with a broken piece of earthen pot about an inch-and-a-half in diameter or a round flat stone. West Bengal has a traditional game called Kit Kit (also known as Ekka-Dukka) that’s perfect for kids who love to jump and have fun. It’s a simple game that requires no fancy equipment, just a flat surface and a little bit of energy

How to play and rules of the Kit Kit:

  • Draw a grid with the help of chalk or a stick, and make a square on the ground. 
  • Grab a stone that fits comfortably in your hand and allows you to hop on easily.
  • Players take turns tossing the stone into one of the squares in the grid.
  • Once the stone lands, the player hops on one foot (or two feet for some squares) through the grid, following a specific pattern (often decided beforehand).
  • When a player reaches the end of the grid then they can level up to another level or can be considered a winner. 

The player must hop over or skip the square where the stone has been placed. A player is declared out if the stone fails to land in the appropriate (progressively higher) square if the player steps on a line, loses balance while bending to pick up the stone, or puts foot down or steps into the square into which the stone has been tossed.

5. Raja-Chor-Mantri-Sipahi

This game is usually played among girls or boys. four players are needed to play this game and one of the roleplaying games where there are different characters involved like Raja (King), Mantri (Minister), chor (thief), and Sipahi (soldier). Each role comes with a different set of points:

  • Raja=1000 points
  • Mantri=500 points
  • Sipahi=100 points
  • Chor=0 points

How to play and rules of the game:

  • Roles are written on pieces of paper where they are written with a pen.
  • Players randomly choose their roles by picking up the random chits tossed in the air.
  • The player who gets Raja instructs Mantri by asking that he/she needs to find who is chor among the players.
  • If Mantri succeeds, they earn points but if they fail the respective points will go to the Chor.
  • This cycle goes on until the players are tired.
  • Winner is announced after the points are tallied, and the player with the highest score wins.

There are no particular rules of the game and players can play as per the local rules of the region without any technical aspects and equipment. 

6. Luko Churi(Hide and seek)

Luko Churi(Hide and seek)
Luko Churi(Hide and seek)

A game that most people from different parts of the country must have played this game.  Children start playing this game at a very early age. Three-to-four-year-old children play this game with their mothers, grandmothers, or elder sisters.

How to play and rules of the game:

  • A player is asked to close their eyes with the help of their palm, and other players hide somewhere.
  • After a few seconds, the Dai is asked to come by the rest of the players.
  • The player (dai) with closed eyes comes and then finds other players.
  • If he successfully finds the player then the game stops and the first person to get caught becomes the second or next Dai.
  • This way game continues until the players are tired.

There aren’t specific rules for the game and can be played as per the local traditional rules or styles.

7. Kanamachi 


This is a folk game of Rural Bengal and is common among children in school life. Among the folk games of Bengal “kanamachi‟ is an amazing game in the rural area. In this game, a player would cover the eyes and that player would be called a thief(Blind person) After that rest of the children will stay around the blind person. At that time, the players have to sound „kanamachi vho vho‟ ( sound of flying of fly) and “jake pabi take choo‟ (you touch whom you can).

How to play and rules of the game:

  • One person is chosen to be blindfolded (the “blind man”).
  • The blindfolded person is spun around several times.
  • Other players run around the playing area.
  • The blind man tries to catch (touch) another player.
  • If caught, the touched player becomes the new blindfolded person.
  • Other players can occasionally tap the blindfolded person to help them know their location.

8. Daribandha

Daribandha game
Daribandha game

Dariabandha is a well-loved game in the rural regions of West Bengal often played by children aged between 8 and 12. This is not limited to just this age one can play it. This game is a test of agility, physical prowess strength, and coordination. Players must maintain their balance while trying to upset their opponents’ balance.

How to play and rules of the game:

  • To begin with the game, the field is divided equally with lines spaced apart evenly.
  • Players are divided into two teams of equal size.
  • One team starts outside the field, while each player from the other team stands on a vertical black line, facing at least one opponent.
  • Players on the black lines can only move within a limited range towards the horizontal line.
  • Players from the outside team enter the field one by one and try to pass through to the finishing point before returning to the starting position.
  • The winner would be the team who completes the task successfully.
  • However, if a player from the opposing team touches any player, the game is reversed.

9. Lattoo

Lattoo game
Lattoo game

The lattoo also called the Pambaram, Bhawra, and Bongaram in different parts of the country. The game starts with players spinning the lattoo(Top). Generally played by boys. When a boy grows up he learns the skill of the spinning lattoo (top). Earlier they used to save their pocket money to buy a beautiful pear-shaped top made of wood, with a pin at the bottom. 

How to play and rules of the game:

  • Players start by holding the wound tops.
  • All players throw their tops simultaneously, determining the toss for the game based on the quickest spin and retrieval.
  • A countdown initiates the throw: at “1, 2, 3,” players wind up their pambarams, release them to spin on the ground, and swiftly grab them back with the rope.
  • The goal of the game is to spin the lattoo using the shortest rope.
  • Pambarams that fail to complete the toss are placed in the center circle.
  • Pambarams that fail to complete the toss are placed in the center circle.

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10. Lathi khela

Lathi khela
Lathi khela

Lathi khela is a traditional form of martial arts which is a kind of stick fighting practiced among the people of Bangladesh, this game has its origin roots in Bengal, and a practitioner is known as Lathilal.

How to play and rules of the Lathi Khela

  • In this game, one uses lathis usually made of bamboo and sometimes ringed with iron at regular intervals to fight with the other player.
  • An average Laathi measures between 2 and 2.4 meters long and Bari is the short blade that is used in martial arts.
  • the player holds the middle of the stick with one hand (or both hands) and rotates it fluently in high speed with various techniques.And in other technique it can be played as the player holds one end of the stick with both hands (or one hand) and wields it with full strength.
  • Either it is a one-on-one match or two teams play against each other. It is fought in an open field 

Just like any other form of martial art footwork abd coordination between hand and feet is of utmost importance.


The traditional games of West Bengal hold specific cultural and traditional values that are worth preserving and celebrating. so as we shift to the modern age it is our responsibility to remember and honor these age-old traditions that have shaped our identity. So next time you find yourself with some free time, why not gather your friends and family for a game of marbles or have some fun with Luko Churi and keep these traditions that have passed generations alive and further pass them on to our future generations ensuring that they continue binding us to our deep-rooted culture beliefs and heritage.


What is the traditional game of West Bengal?

The West Bengal traditional games are the games that are famous and popular in the rural areas of West Bengal such as
Kit kit 
Luko churi

What is the game Goli in West Bengal?

Goli is the other name for the marbles game, players dig a pit and then have marbles which they have to throw in that pit. Players position themselves two yards away from the hole and kneel to send the marble into the hole.

What is the sports culture in West Bengal?

Unlike the rest of the Indian states cricket culture doesn’t prevail in West Bengal, the most famous game of Bengal is Football and the state can be considered as the football hub of India.

What is ekka dukka game?

It is rural west bengal traditional game and is typically played by women in which they take a broken piece of small broken piece of earthen pot and a large box long is drawn and is then divided into six smaller boxes. Every box has a common name.

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